
Up to 200 employees are currently employed in the "Mrcheveli" . The company has a horizontal "Flat" organizational structure, which significantly reduces bureaucratic processes and simplifies work performance opportunities for each employee.

An employee can bring any problem related to his work to his supervisor or any member of the management team.

The company requires ethical and professional behavior from each employee. It is important that all employees treat each other with respect. In a counselor, a collaborative relationship is built on mutual respect, teamwork, and support. 


"Mrcheveli" consists of the following structural units:

  • Preanalytics of clinical chemistry and hematology
  • DNA diagnostics and immunology serology
  • Morphology
  • Radiology
  • Therapy
  • Pediatrician
  • Information and car park
  • Financial
  • Marketing
  • Administration
  • Human resources and quality management

All who have the desire to do so and the competence corresponding to specific work requirements can be employed in "Mrcheveli". The process of selecting a new employee is clear, compatible and fair. When evaluating a new employee, attention must be paid to the applicant's professional and personal skills and characteristics.